Video Pipe Inspection

Video Pipe Inspection (CCTV) is a sewer inspection service using industry-leading video cameras to prevent problems by inspecting underground water, sewer lines, and lateral pipelines. GPRS NASSCO certified technicians can locate clogs, investigate cross bores, find structural faults and damages, and conduct lateral sewer line inspections.

NASSCO Sewer Inspection Report & Wincan

GPRS offers WinCan reporting to our Video Pipe Inspection clients. Maintaining sewers starts with understanding sewer conditions, and WinCan allows GPRS Project Managers to collect detailed NASSCO-compliant inspection data.

Detailed Maps & Locations

GPRS Project Managers not only inspect the interior conditions of water pipes, sewer pipes, sewer laterals, and manholes – they can provide a map of their location. The GPRS Mapping & Modeling Team can provide detailed GPS overlays and CAD files.

Video Inspection Files

Our detailed WinCan/NASSCO reports contain screenshots of the interior condition of the pipe segments that we inspect. Our Project Managers will also provide a video file of the complete inspection for further evaluation, documentation, and reference.