SAFETY partnerships

A online contractor and supplier management platform of data driven products and services that help manage risk and strengthen relationships. It helps reduce unnecessary duplication associated with traditional qualification processes. The organization’s contractor management software connects nearly 650 hiring clients with a qualified network of more than 75,000 active contractors and suppliers. GPRS teams up with ISNetworld to help with record keeping of collecting health, quality and safety so we remain the safest utility locating and concrete scanning company in the nation.

One of the world’s leading providers of supply chain and risk management. GPRS partners with Avetta as a vetting process for maintaining a safe environment, minimizing risk, and minimizing organizational liability while locating utilities and scanning concrete on your construction project.

Increasing the awareness of best practices when it comes to concrete scanning, concrete saw cutting and concrete coring. GPRS created this week and partnered with other industry leaders to create safety awareness and hazards associating with concrete sawing and drilling and how your organization can mitigate risk with cutting or coring concrete.

Safety Week is a show of force. It’s an opportunity for people, companies, and our entire industry to join, celebrate and recommit to safety as the foundation of everything we do. GPRS is a sponsor to support construction safety week through monetary donation, marketing, public relations exposure and promoting safety by going on job sites and demonstrating concrete scanning best practices.

RAVS Plus focuses on measuring HSE performance and bridges the gap between the ISN RAVS desktop review and a potential on-site audit or inspection by a Hiring contractor. GPRS gains great resources, as well as the ability to differentiate our company by demonstrating the implementation of our HSE program. RAVS plus allows GPRS to provide clarity in our safety processes and procedures – allowing us to perform concrete scanning, utility locating and video pipe inspection at the highest level.

Is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the elimination of construction and facilities maintenance jobsite injuries and illnesses with the ultimate objective of returning construction and maintenance workers home to their families, friends, and communities free from harm. GPRS teams up with CCS to help implement safety expectations for contractors and safe work zone strategies when performing GPR, utility locating and concrete scanning.

Delivers assurance that your business is working with safe, qualified, and socially responsible contractors and suppliers. GPRS partners with Browz to make sure supply qualification is safe while looking at solutions for supplier qualification, employee data, safety audits and improve sourcing.

Leading provider of solutions that enhance workforce and community safety, combining integrated software to manage OQ, Drug & Alcohol safety, and Certificate of Insurance tracking programs with value added audit, consulting, and training services. GPRS partners with Veriforce for COI tracking and managing drug and alcohol safety which is so important when providing the safest quality private utility locating and concrete scanning in the nation.

A global association for occupational safety and health professionals in their efforts to prevent workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities. The ASSP provides education, advocacy, standards development and a professional community to our members in order to advance their careers and the OSH profession. Being a member of the ASSP, GPRS can promote top quality education and industry standards for safety for utility locating, concrete scanning and video pipe inspection.