Environmental Due Diligence

As part of the due diligence process for real estate transactions, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment’s (ESA’s) can often identify recognized environmental conditions (RECs) associated with the current or former use of a property. RECs can be associated with Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites that were not properly closed, dry cleaners, manufacturing or industrial facilities, vehicle repair shops, or properties where toxic chemicals may have been used and not disposed of properly.
When Phase II ESA work is needed to assess the potential for soil, groundwater or soil vapor impact, the safety of your field staff and protecting the current property’s infrastructure is critical. GPRS deploys industry leading equipment operated by highly skilled and experienced project managers. Our subsurface investigation methodology (SIM) process ensures that every proposed soil boring, groundwater monitoring well, and soil vapor pin location is cleared of utilities prior to drilling. GPS mapping of utility findings and sample locations is included in every project.
Soil, groundwater or soil gas contamination may be identified above cleanup criteria and additional investigation may be required to determine that no exposure pathways exist or that they can be remediated. With existing maps already in place from the initial investigation, GPRS can quickly locate previous sample locations, complete a utility restake, and help determine if any nearby utilities may be acting as migration pathways for contamination.
GPRS is the trusted leader for damage prevention in the environmental sector. Our project managers deliver results from the beginning of the initial investigation, throughout delineation and remediation, until project completion. With our nationwide network of Project Managers, we are equipped to mobilize to projects across the United States.
GPRS Delivers Complete Infrastructure Visualization
GPRS is the only company in the U.S. that can capture your entire site or facility, above and below-ground, to provide you with accurate as-builts, private and public utility maps, 2D CAD drawings, 3D BIM models, virtual tours, WinCan reports, and more documenting architectural, structural, MEP, and subsurface utility existing conditions, and instantly deliver data via SiteMap®, GPRS’ cloud-based digital storage software and app.
Utility Locating Services
GPRS utility locating services utilize ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic (EM) locating technology to locate, mark, and map existing underground infrastructure such as power lines, gas lines, pipelines, water lines, sewer lines, potential voids, and additional buried facilities and utility lines. This information is critical for projects where construction or excavation activities are planned to mitigate accidental utility strikes, plus keep your team and facility safe. GPRS delivers complimentary CAD utility site maps in PDF, KMZ, and SHP file formats, and can export your utility data into a wide variety of drawings, maps, and models to advance communication and collaboration on your project. All clients receive instant access to complete and aggregated site records in Sitemap® GPRS’ digital storage software and app, where data is geolocated, layered, and securely shareable.
Concrete Scanning Services
Concrete scanning is a non-destructive method to assess concrete using GPR to locate, identify, and mark utilities and objects such as rebar, post tension cables, beams, conduits, and piping embedded within concrete slabs and structures prior to anchoring, cutting, coring, and drilling. Concrete scanning ensures the safety of workers and prevents accidents by identifying potential hazards before any work occurs. Concrete markings can be 3D laser scanned to create a permanent record of the site, data can be delivered in 2D CAD drawings, 3D BIM models, and virtual site tours.
3D Laser Scanning Services
GPRS 3D laser scanning services document the exact architectural, structural, and MEP system layout and dimensions of existing telecommunication buildings, facilities, and sites. GPRS Project Managers use industry-leading Leica survey-grade laser scanners to capture 2-4 millimeter accurate existing site conditions in the form of a point cloud. Our in-house Mapping & Modeling Team can transform those point clouds into customized 2D CAD drawings, 3D BIM models, 3D mesh models, TruViews, and 3D virtual tours at any level of detail.
Video Pipe Inspection Services
GPRS video pipe inspection services deploy robotic crawler CCTV cameras, lateral launch cameras, and push cameras to inspect and document water, sewer lines, and lateral pipelines to locate clogs, investigate cross bores, find structural faults and damage, and conduct lateral sewer line inspections. GPRS Project Managers deliver NASSCO-certified WinCan reports with the exact location, video, and photo of each defect, ranked by severity so you can plan for maintenance and repairs.
Leak Detection Services
GPRS specializes in all types of leak detection services, including municipal, industrial, and residential. Our Project Managers are leak detection specialists who utilize multiple technologies to locate your leak and the expertise to map and provide many other insights into your water distribution and/or fire suppression systems. GPRS does this by utilizing a variety of equipment paired with our industry-leading SIM (Subsurface Investigation Methodology) processes. The equipment and methods used include acoustic leak detectors, leak noise correlators, video pipe inspection (CCTV) cameras & sondes, ground penetrating radar, and electromagnetic locating, among others.

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mapping & Modeling
GPRS delivers the most up-to-date, accurate and comprehensive site data possible in the format required for your project. We provide complimentary KMZ and PDF maps with every utility locate we perform. Our Mapping & Modeling Team can create a wide variety of customizable maps and models, from a simple GPS-enabled map of your utility locate, to highly-detailed 2D CAD drawings and 3D BIM models, depending on your needs.

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Public Property

Private Property

GPRS Utility Locate and 3D Laser Scan for a Gas Station
Location: Brighton, Michigan
A Michigan gas station requested utility locate and as built data to document the existing conditions for site upgrades and to develop an emergency response plan for potential leaks. Accurate 2D utility locate maps, a 3D BIM model, and a conceptual site model (CSM) were created of the gas station, underground storage tank system, and surrounding utilities.
- The gas station lacked as built site information required for compliance with environmental regulations, essential to plan for site upgrades, and necessary to take prompt corrective action in the case of an emergency.
- The client did not have an accurate conceptual site model (CSM) to understand and interpret contaminant fate and transport in the subsurface.
- GPRS Project Managers used state-of-the art equipment to perform ground penetrating radar (GPR), electromagnetic (EM) locating, video pipe inspection (VPI), leak detection, 3D laser scanning, and drone photogrammetry services at the gas station.
- The GPRS Mapping & Modeling Team delivered accurate as built and utility location data in point cloud, 2D maps, 3D BIM model, and CSM formats, to help eliminate guesswork from decision making, and prevent time-consuming and dangerous mistakes and the costs associated with them.
- The gas station received access to millimeter-accurate information to efficiently plan work and drill safely.
- Locating underground storage tanks, including their depths, can help the station owner detect unusual fluctuations in fuel levels and assess any potential leak faster.
- Detailed site maps can help to communicate the location of a leak, the most likely paths and extent of horizontal and vertical delineation, and to plan assessment and mitigation efforts.
- Infrastructure location and mapping are vital before conducting any construction or subsurface work like soil boring, or coring concrete to drop vapor pins – to eliminate clashes and utility strikes and keep workers and the community safe.
- Comprehensive site data is essential for the early detection and management of petroleum leaks at a gas station, to help minimize environmental damage and ensure the safety of employees and the surrounding community.
- GPRS as built maps and models provide accurate information to avoid hitting a UST or system component, and to avoid a utility strike when sampling soil.
- The GPRS SiteMap® mobile app securely stores utility data, geolocated and layered, and securely accessible for the station stakeholders to share with those who may need it.
- The data GPRS collects can also be used to develop the utility portion of a conceptual site model (CSM) to visualize migration routes, communicate with stakeholders, make informed remediation decisions, and protect the team on site and the environment.
With over 500 Project Managers, in every major market and city across the United States, GPRS has an unmatched nationwide service network that makes it quick and easy to find an expert Project Manager in your area. Having access to accurate facility information is crucial for project upgrades and emergency response. GPRS can quickly deliver utility locate and as built data of your next project to Intelligently Visualize Your Built World®. Contact us today.

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