Why Construction Technology Investment is Soaring In 2024

Why Construction Technology Investment is Soaring In 2024

The construction technology (Contech) sector is experiencing a significant uptick in investment, marking a notable shift from last year's trends. Despite a 44% drop in investment in 2023, the first quarter of 2024 has seen a reversal with fewer deals but larger overall investment amounts. This change reflects growing confidence in the sector's potential, particularly in areas like green construction and data-driven solutions.

Two construction workers look at data on computer screens.
The construction technology (Contech) sector is experiencing a significant uptick in investment, marking a notable shift from last year's trends.

Trends in Contech Investment

Miguel Carralón, an investment advisor at global building materials company Cemex Ventures, emphasized in a recent report summarized in a Construction Dive article that the decline in investment last year should not be interpreted as a loss of interest from investors. Instead, it was a period of recalibration, setting the stage for more significant investments in late-stage deals and technologies related to sustainability and artificial intelligence in 2024.

Key Areas of Investment

A report from Cemex Ventures categorizes Contech companies into four primary focus areas: enhanced productivity, green construction, construction supply chain, and future construction technologies.

  • Enhanced Productivity: This category has been the most active, capturing 54% of total investment dollars. Companies in this segment are developing technologies to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the overall productivity of construction projects. Innovations include advanced project management tools, automation, and robotics, which are increasingly essential in a sector facing labor shortages and rising material costs.
  • Green Construction: With 31% of the funding, green construction is the second most funded category. This area encompasses solutions for decarbonization, carbon capture, sustainable materials, and water conservation. The growing focus on environmental sustainability is driving investment in technologies that can help reduce the carbon footprint of construction projects and promote more eco-friendly building practices.
  • Construction Supply Chain: Although only accounting for 8% of total investment, this segment is crucial for improving the logistics and supply chain management in construction. Innovations here aim to streamline the procurement process, enhance material tracking, and optimize supply chain operations to reduce delays and costs.
  • Future Construction Technologies: This category, which received 7% of the funding, includes forward-looking technologies that could transform the construction industry in the long term. These might include advancements in 3D printing, new construction materials, and novel building techniques that are still in the experimental or early adoption stages. GPRS’ new 3D visualization products, including WalkThru 3D, ProCap Progressive Capture, FlrPln, and TruBuilt Existing Condition As-Builts are examples of these technologies.

Factors Driving Investment

Several factors are contributing to the renewed interest and increased investment in the Contech sector:

  • Economic and Inflationary Pressures: The construction industry is not immune to the broader economic challenges, including inflation and fiscal pressures. Despite the recent easing of inflation, these factors are pushing companies to adopt new technologies that can help mitigate rising costs and improve efficiency.
  • Sustainability Goals: There is a growing emphasis on sustainability within the construction industry. Governments and organizations are increasingly setting ambitious targets for reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable practices. This trend is driving investment in green construction technologies that can help achieve these goals. An example of this is CoStar’s recent purchase of Matteport.
  • Technological Advancements: Advances in AI, machine learning, and other technologies are opening up new possibilities for the construction industry. These innovations can significantly enhance productivity, improve project outcomes, and reduce environmental impact, making them attractive investment opportunities.
  • Venture Capital Dynamics: The venture capital ecosystem is evolving, with investors becoming more selective and strategic in their investments. Instead of spreading their capital thinly across many startups, they are now focusing on fewer, high-potential companies. This approach is leading to larger investment rounds and more significant support for promising technologies.
Two construction workers use a tablet and controller to operate a drone.
The Contech sector is entering an exciting phase of growth and transformation.

The Road Ahead

While the first quarter of 2024 has shown promising signs, it is still early to predict the year's overall direction. Carralón suggests that the trends observed in Q1 might continue, with Q2 expected to perform similarly in terms of activity. However, we could see more substantial deals and increased investments in early-stage rounds as the year progresses.

The increase in investment in Contech is a positive sign for the industry, indicating confidence in its growth potential and the value of its innovations. As startups continue to develop and refine their technologies, we can expect further advancements that will transform the construction landscape.

The recent surge in investment in construction technology highlights a growing recognition of the sector's potential to drive significant improvements in productivity, sustainability, and efficiency. Despite the challenges faced in 2023, the first quarter of 2024 has shown a renewed focus on making larger, strategic investments in promising startups. As the industry continues to evolve, the Contech sector is poised to play a crucial role in shaping the future of construction, offering innovative solutions that address some of the industry's most pressing challenges.

The Contech sector is entering an exciting phase of growth and transformation. With increased investment, particularly in areas like green construction and enhanced productivity, the industry is well-positioned to achieve significant advancements in the coming years. Investors' renewed confidence and strategic focus will be instrumental in driving this progress, ensuring that the construction industry can meet the demands of the future.

GPRS is a Contech company offering infrastructure visualization services such as utility locating, precision concrete scanning & imaging, video pipe inspection, leak detection, 3D laser scanning, and mapping & modeling. We put our field-verified data at your fingertips with SiteMap® (patent pending), our project & facility management application that provides accurate existing condition documentation to protect your assets and people.

From skyscrapers to sewer lines, GPRS Intelligently Visualizes The Built World® to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

What can we help you visualize? Click below to schedule a service today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Construction Technology (Contech) and why is it important?

Construction technology (Contech) refers to the innovative tools, machinery, modifications, software, and methodologies used during the construction phase of a project to improve efficiency, safety, and productivity. Contech encompasses a wide range of technologies, including Building Information Modeling (BIM), drones, 3D printing, AI, and IoT, among others.

Contech streamlines construction processes, reducing time and labor costs, and enabling faster project completion. Technologies such as wearable safety devices and drones for site inspection help minimize risks and enhance worker safety. Tools like BIM and laser scanning improve accuracy in design and construction, reducing errors and rework.

Contech promotes sustainable practices by optimizing resource use, reducing waste, and facilitating the use of eco-friendly materials. And technologies like IoT and AI provide real-time data and analytics, helping construction managers make informed decisions and improve project outcomes.

Does GPRS Perform S.U.E. Work?

Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) reduces the risk and improves the accuracy of subsurface utility readings. It is broken down into four levels of quality, governed by ASCE Standard 38-02. GPRS provides private utility locating services but does not currently provide a fully comprehensive in-house SUE service. GPRS does not provide engineering services. If you need professional engineering services, please contact a professional engineer.

How quickly can GPRS respond to an emergency need?

In most circumstances, we can have a Project Manager on your site within 24 hours of contact. Click here for an online quote form.