A GPRS Case Study

3D Laser Scanning a Water Treatment Plant Pump Station

3D Laser Scanning a Water Treatment Plant Pump Station



In three days onsite, GPRS was able to capture the facility’s complex piping and equipment with very minimal shadowing, giving our modeling team the information they required to create a highly-detailed 3D as-built model.


Water Treatment Plant


3D Laser Scanning, Mapping & Modeling


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

PM Insight


GPRS delivered registered point cloud data in real-world coordinates in RCS, RCP and E57 format, black and white TruViews (high-resolution panoramic images) at each of the scanner setup locations and an Autodesk Revit LOD 300 model of the site.


GPRS 3D laser scanning services document the exact architectural, structural, and MEP system layout and dimensions of existing buildings, facilities, and sites.


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GPRS performed 3D laser scanning services for a water treatment plant pump station to capture existing structural and MEP features. Our in-house Mapping & Modeling Team generated an Autodesk Revit LOD 300 Building Information Model (BIM) of the project site.


Our client was planning for a complete mechanical rehabilitation of the facility and requested 3D laser scanning services and Building Information Modeling (BIM) from GPRS to expedite the design and execution of this project.


We have captured as built site conditions for water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants from 40 MGD to 1 BGD, documenting the interior and exterior of buildings; foundations; structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing features; equipment, motors, conduit and piping down to ½ inch diameter.

GPRS' experienced laser scan team 3D captured all exposed columns, floors, walls, ceilings, stairways, platforms, and MEP equipment and piping ½" in diameter and above, including pumps and valves. GPRS provided a tie-in to topographic survey and processed the data on survey control established for this project. The Mapping & Modeling team broke the model into individual discipline models containing existing MEP features with material type assignments.


Custom-built advanced Revit families were created for all the varying features so that each layer could be selected or de-selected depending on which portion of the model was being analyzed by the client.


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Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
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“Our team was more effective and efficient because of SiteMap, allowing us to provide better results from more informed decision-making.”
Alexander Valigosky
Project Environmental Scientist