The Collaborative Edge: SiteMap® and Team-Based Data Management

The Collaborative Edge: SiteMap® and Team-Based Data Management

In today's fast-paced world, data is king, and expansion is rapid.

When you’re ready to build or renovate, your success hinges on being able to manage your project and all its components. SiteMap® (patent pending), powered by GPRS, is designed to serve as a single source of truth for your infrastructure data, offering unmatched capabilities through its Map Viewer and Digital Plan Room features to accommodate team-based data management at the highest level of precision and security.

Four workers collaborate around a tablet on a job site.
Infrastructure asset management requires a strategic approach to balancing current needs with long-term sustainability.

SiteMap®’s Simple Approach to Infrastructure Asset Management

Infrastructure asset management requires a strategic approach to balancing current needs with long-term sustainability. SiteMap® addresses this need by intertwining innovative technological features with user-centric design, streamlining how teams interact with data storage infrastructure. SiteMap® is simple to use, and it's backed by the accurate data collected by GPRS’ SIM and NASSCO-certified Project Managers.

Visual Clarity with the Map Viewer

The Map Viewer feature is the optic nerve of SiteMap®, providing a dynamic and interactive visual representation of infrastructure assets. Imagine the ease of exploring a modern, digital map that guides you geographically and contextualizes your assets. Users can intuitively navigate, organize, and understand complex data sets at a glance, markedly enhancing operational workflows.

Visualization is more important than you’d think. Let’s take a look at the numbers:

  • Written information is 70% more effective when combined with visuals
  • Visuals can help increase learning and information retention by 78%
  • 80% of researchers saw a decrease in errors when using visuals to explain a task
  • According to a study conducted by MIT, 90% of the information transmitted to our brain is visual

SiteMap® offers a detailed, easy-to-use solution for visualizing the most important information on your job site, reducing the likelihood of incidents and even fatalities.

Seamless Data Harmonization through the Digital Plan Room

Inside SiteMap®’s Digital Plan Room, maps, models, photos, reports, and as-built documents exist in one space that is secure, yet easily accessible for your team members. It’s a pillar for collaborative-friendly data sharing that ensures each team member — from architects to engineers — is on the same page.

The Digital Plan Room deftly handles the secure storage and seamless sharing of critical project information across various teams, ensuring that knowledge transfer is manageable and unrestricted. With SiteMap®'s robust infrastructure, you eliminate data redundancy and foster an environment where collaboration is a natural extension of day-to-day operations.

A GPRS Project Manager looks at a tablet.
In SiteMap®, data is guarded with cutting-edge security protocols without sacrificing ease of access for authorized personnel.

Top-Tier Security and Accessibility

When it comes to data, security, and accessibility often find themselves on opposite sides of the spectrum.

That’s not the case with SiteMap®, where data is guarded with cutting-edge security protocols without sacrificing ease of access for authorized personnel.

Access your project's data 24/7 from any computer or mobile device, and share that information with your team members with the press of a button. SiteMap® lets you put your key players on one, integrated team and gives them the information they need, and the power to use it. Alleviate top-down information sharing by curating your administrative work group. SiteMap® provides them with secure, accurate & aggregated data for sites across your portfolio so they can act with confidence and accountability.

Collaboration Without Borders

With a bedrock like SiteMap®, teamwork transcends traditional boundaries. The platform’s capacity to house all pertinent documents in one place eliminates guesswork and unifies efforts. It's designed to be more than a tool; it's the backbone of your project's collaboration strategy, fostering an environment where efficiency and productivity are natural outcomes of sophisticated design.

Single Source of Truth

SiteMap® offers a single source of truth for the entire life of your project: no more scattered files or outdated paper documents. Every team member has access to the most current data, eliminating errors and misunderstandings and ensuring you can plan, design, dig, and ultimately build better. While SiteMap® contains its own intuitive GIS component, it can also easily integrate with your existing GIS software to provide an extra layer of safety and security for your data – powered by GPRS’ 99.8% accuracy rating across more than 500,000 jobs.

One of the biggest issues facility managers, site supervisors, and general contractors face is how to corral and cross-reference everything so that it is immediately accessible and usable by the boots on the ground and the people in the boardroom. SiteMap®, powered by GPRS, provides a single source of truth for project data so that you can put the right information into the right hands, exactly when they need it.

SiteMap® can house all your project data – from a NASSCO-certified video pipe inspection report to layered utility maps, GPR concrete imaging data, and full 3D BIM model walkthroughs, all in one easy-to-use interface that allows you to secure and share your data to get the job done right

Start redefining collaboration on your projects by clicking below to learn more and sign up for your live SiteMap® demo today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Benefits of Underground Utility Mapping?

Having an updated and accurate map of your subsurface infrastructure reduces accidents, budget overruns, change orders, and project downtime caused by dangerous and costly subsurface damage.

How does SiteMap® assist with Utility Mapping?

SiteMap®, powered by GPRS, is the industry-leading infrastructure management program. It is a single source of truth, housing the 99.8%+ accurate utility locating, concrete scanning, video pipe inspection, leak detection, and 3D laser scanning data our Project Managers collect on your job site. And the best part is you get a complimentary SiteMap® Personal Subscription when GPRS performs a utility locate for you.

Click here to learn more.

Does SiteMap® Work with my Existing GIS Platform?

SiteMap® allows for exporting of data to SHP, GeoJSON, GeoPackage, and DXF directly from any user’s account that either owns or has a job shared to their account. All these file formats can be imported and utilized by other GIS packages if manually imported by the user. More information can be found at