The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) recently released a report highlighting the necessity for ongoing investment in U.S. infrastructure, warning that a “snapback” could occur if funding for these projects dries up.
The report, titled “Bridging the Gap,” is part of a recurring economic study the ASCE conducts every four years, and details the effects of federal infrastructure funding and the potential impact if such funding ceases.
Recent federal investments, including the $550 billion allocated through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), have played a significant role in preventing the infrastructure investment gap from widening. This funding, however, is set to expire by 2026.

The ASCE argues that without continued investment, the progress achieved could be undermined, potentially exacerbating the nation's infrastructure challenges.
“Federal action has made substantial progress stopping the growth of our needs, but this is just the beginning,” ASCE President Marsia Geldert-Murphey said in a press release. “We need continued action at the federal level and collaboration from state and local governments and the private sector if we are going to succeed in transforming our aging infrastructure network to be more sustainable, resilient, and best suit the future needs of American households and businesses.”
Despite the improvements made over the past several years, America is still plagued by infrastructure inefficiencies such as power outages, uneven roads, traffic congestion, load restrictions on bridges, and leaking water pipes. These issues have significant consequences for both businesses and consumers. Currently, each U.S. household loses about $2,000 annually due to these inadequate systems. If funding returns to pre-IIJA levels, this loss could increase to nearly $2,700 per household each year.
The ASCE’s report identifies the sectors most affected by infrastructure deficiencies: manufacturing, finance and real estate, healthcare, utilities, and agriculture. The manufacturing sector relies on reliable energy, clean water, modern transportation systems, and dependable ports. The report projects that by 2033, the manufacturing sector could lose $1.15 trillion due to inefficient infrastructure if funding decreases, compared to $877 billion if current funding levels are maintained — a difference of $276 billion.
While federal investments have reduced or stabilized investment gaps in sectors such as transportation, water, water transportation, and aviation, the energy sector remains a concern. Policy changes and underinvestment in physical energy infrastructure have contributed to an increasing energy investment gap since 2020.
To address growing infrastructure needs, the ASCE calls for continued federal action and collaboration among state and local governments and the private sector.
“Our needs have continued to grow for decades,” said Darren Olson, chair of ASCE’s Committee on America’s Infrastructure. “And only just recently, in the past few years with the IIJA and IRA [Inflation Reduction Act], have we seen a renewed investment in infrastructure. But it’s a down payment. It’s the start of the process to slow the growth of the gap, but because we have not done this for so long, it is impossible to significantly impact the gap without a long-term sustained investment.”

GPRS Services Keep Infrastructure Projects on Track
The federal funds provided by the IIJA and other, complementary programs, have been critical in preventing the growth of the infrastructure investment gap. By maintaining and increasing investment, the U.S. can develop a more sustainable and resilient infrastructure system that supports economic growth and enhances the quality of life for all its citizens.
And GPRS will be there to ensure these projects stay on time, on budget, and safe.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Benefits of Underground Utility Mapping?
Having an updated and accurate map of your subsurface infrastructure reduces accidents, budget overruns, change orders, and project downtime caused by dangerous and costly subsurface damage.
How does SiteMap® assist with Utility Mapping?
SiteMap®, powered by GPRS, is the industry-leading infrastructure management program. It is a single source of truth, housing the 99.8%+ accurate utility locating, concrete scanning, video pipe inspection, leak detection, and 3D laser scanning data our Project Managers collect on your job site. And the best part is you get a complimentary SiteMap® Personal Subscription when GPRS performs a utility locate for you.
Click here to learn more.
Does SiteMap® Work with my Existing GIS Platform?
SiteMap® allows for exporting of data to SHP, GeoJSON, GeoPackage, and DXF directly from any user’s account that either owns or has a job shared to their account. All these file formats can be imported and utilized by other GIS packages if manually imported by the user. More information can be found at