GPRS Sewer Inspections Save You Time & Money

GPRS Video Pipe Inspection services can help discover a collapsed sewer lateral, duct, or an unknown blockage in a pipe.

This professional sewer camera inspection service is a non-destructive option that limits project delays and budget overruns by locating the exact impediment in your sewer or stormwater line including bellies, collapses, tree roots, lateral taps, cross bores, or other damages.

Our NASSCO-certified Project Managers are highly trained professionals, equipped with the knowledge and state-of-the-art equipment they need to conduct all forms of sewer inspections, including sewer lateral inspections, so that you can rest assured your infrastructure is intact.

A worker lowers a sewer inspection crawler into a manhole. | GPRS Images

The average sewer pipe in the United States is 45 years old and operating at 81% capacity. 70,000 sanitary sewer overflows occur annually in the U.S., and over 50% of those overflows can be directly attributed to Inflow/Infiltration (I/I), which is the process of groundwater or water from sources other than domestic wastewater entering sanitary sewers.

Why Do I Need a Sewer Inspection?
The average sewer pipe in the United States is 45 years old and operating at 81% capacity. 70,000 sanitary sewer overflows occur annually in the U.S., and over 50% of those overflows can be directly attributed to Inflow/Infiltration (I/I), which is the process of groundwater or water from sources other than domestic wastewater entering sanitary sewers.

I/I can cause dilution in sanitary sewers, which decreases the efficiency of treatment. This can lead to sanitary sewer overflows. The best way to mitigate this problem is to hire a professional sewer scope company like GPRS to run our remote-controlled rovers equipped with CCTV cameras through your infrastructure to ensure its integrity. We also have push-fed sewer inspection cameras for smaller and more difficult to access infrastructure.

What Equipment Does GPRS Use for Sewer Inspections?
GPRS Project Managers use the Envirosight Rovver X Mainline Crawler to inspect sewer and stormwater lines. This remote-controlled rover can crawl as far as 1,640 feet into a sewer line and can adapt to inspect lines from 6” to 96” in diameter. It allows our Project Managers to capture photo and video evidence of defects and other issues along a sewer system, so we can provide a comprehensive report of these problems.

GPRS utilizes the Envirosight ROVVER X SAT II Lateral Launch Crawler for sewer lateral inspections. With multiple onboard cameras and sensors, this state-of-the-art rover allows our Project Managers to locate all cross bores and other structural defects within the lateral line. The twin onboard sondes transmit the crawler’s precise location back to the surface, allowing us to map the lateral line while we’re inspecting it for faults.

Video Pipe Inspection Services Provided by GPRS Project Managers in a street

The GPRS Difference
GPRS VPI Project Managers are industry-leading experts in plumbing camera services. Our Project Managers are NASSCO (National Association of Sewer Service Companies) certified and trained to the highest standard possible, and they use only the most advanced equipment to locate problems in sewer lines.

GPRS offers a comprehensive suite of video (CCTV) sewer line inspection services, including sewer lateral inspections and mapping, to help you take back control of your wastewater infrastructure.

GPRS’ NASSCO-certified sewer video inspections capture every inch of your system – including the lateral lines – so you know what defects exist, the severity of those problems, and exactly where they’re located. You’ll receive a comprehensive, interactive report that includes video and photographs of the defects to give you a leg up on maintenance preparations

We come to you – wherever you are. Our elite team of Project Managers are strategically stationed in every major market across the United States, so you always have qualified sewer inspection services near you and your jobsite.

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