A GPRS Case Study

Above & Below-Ground Data Capture for California School's HVAC Upgrades

Above & Below-Ground Data Capture for California School's HVAC Upgrades
As-built documentation of the high school campus and GPR markings can be captured quickly and accurately to plan for HVAC system upgrades.
Chris Sanford
Business Development Manager, GPRS



In less than two hours on site, GPRS 3D Laser Scanning captured all aboveground features and utility field markings that were then used to provide integrated above and below-ground plan view of the campus via 2D CAD drawings to plan HVAC upgrades, and have accurate existing condition documentation for future use


Facilities - Education, Construction


3D Laser Scanning, Utility Locating, Mapping and Modeling


Los Angeles, California

PM Insight



The client required precise documentation of the surrounding structural elements and subsurface so they could design piping, reinforcing, and coring in the least invasive way.


Provide accurate existing condition documentation of aboveground structures and subsurface infrastructure on a high school campus to plan upgrades to 16 HVAC units and piping onsite.

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A Los Angeles, California high school required 3D laser scanning of the above ground and below ground infrastructure to create 2D CAD drawings and plan for HVAC system upgrades throughout the campus


  • A 12-year-old high school was replacing the piping on 16 HVAC units throughout the campus.
  • The piping for these units runs intricately in and out of buildings, and through retaining walls and mechanical yards.
  • The areas that the pipes thread through do not have any as-builts or existing plans.


  • Using the Leica RTC360 laser scanner, a Project Manager captured elements of the surrounding campus and GPR markings in less than 2hours on site
  • This project was laser scanned in full color, allowing the client to easily visualize and identify structural elements, pipes, conduits, and concrete reinforcement points inside the point cloud
  • CAD engineers created 2D AutoCAD floor plans and exterior elevations, PDFs with and without the point cloud overlayed


  • The combination of laser scanning structural and ground penetrating radar markings provided the client a high definition 3D comprehensive view of the campus, including both visible and invisible elements
  • With 3D laser scan data, the client can verify the HVAC mechanical equipment with confidence knowing high accuracy instruments minimize position error throughout the 3D space
  • The client has the most up-to date, accurate and comprehensive information to design HVAC upgrades


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“Our team was more effective and efficient because of SiteMap, allowing us to provide better results from more informed decision-making.”
Alexander Valigosky
Project Environmental Scientist