Throughout history, managing utilities has been a complex challenge for societies.
Take street lighting, for example.
Early civilizations used natural gas transported through bamboo pipelines from volcanic emissions to illuminate the streets of ancient Peking. This gas powered the early streetlamps. By 500 B.C., the Romans were lighting their streets with oil lamps filled with vegetable oil placed outside their homes. The organization of street lighting further evolved when, in 1417, Sir Henry Barton mandated that houses hang lanterns after dusk. By 1524, an order in Paris required that all homes display lights in their windows. This led to the emergence of "link-boys" in London, young servants who carried torches to light the way for the city's wealthy children. This early need for lighting evolved into gas streetlights, maintained by lamplighters, illuminating the nights of our early societies.

And this is just the history of streetlights. When you consider that this is only one aspect of municipal infrastructure, it becomes clear why so many communities and facilities struggle with a complex web of underground utilities without an accurate map to navigate them.
Today's urban environments necessitate efficient infrastructure management. Managing underground utilities presents unique challenges due to their hidden nature and complex networks. SiteMap® (patent pending), powered by GPRS, is transforming the way we approach underground utility mapping and management, revolutionizing our perception of the subsurface.
The Importance of Underground Utility Mapping
Understanding the significance of underground utility mapping is essential to appreciate the impact of solutions like SiteMap®. Here are key reasons why this mapping is crucial:
Cost Savings:
The American Public Works Association (APWA) estimates that damage to underground utilities during excavation activities costs the U.S. economy around $30 billion annually, with other estimates reaching as high as $60 billion. Accurate mapping can reduce these costs by preventing utility strikes and the associated repair expenses.
Safety Enhancement:
According to the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) and the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), utility strikes are a leading cause of workplace fatalities in the construction industry. Electrocution, part of OSHA’s Fatal Four hazards, can be significantly mitigated through precise underground utility mapping, enhancing workplace safety.
Environmental Protection:
Damage to underground utilities can lead to environmental issues such as contamination, water pollution, and habitat destruction. Accurate mapping helps prevent these incidents, supporting environmental sustainability efforts.
Urban Advancement:
Proper infrastructure monitoring is crucial for advancing our cities and towns. The utility grid must not only support our current population but also accommodate growth, change, and new technologies. For instance:
- Sewer Systems: Mapping sewer systems ensures the proper functioning of sewage networks.
- Stormwater Drainage: Accurate utility mapping aids in managing water runoff during heavy rains, reducing flood risks and protecting properties and lives.
- Fiber Optic Cables: With the growing reliance on high-speed internet and data transmission, precise mapping of fiber optics is vital for network management and expansion, also helping to prevent network disruptions during severe weather.
Effective utility management accelerates municipal progress. Better subsurface understanding allows us to build well-connected, advanced cities and towns.

The Role of SiteMap® in Underground Utility Mapping
SiteMap® is pivotal in transforming underground utility mapping with its advanced technology and comprehensive features. Here’s how SiteMap® enhances the benefits of this mapping:
High-Precision Mapping:
SiteMap® offers high-precision mapping capabilities, enabling users to accurately determine the location, depth, and type of underground utilities. This accuracy minimizes the risk of utility strikes and ensures the safety and integrity of infrastructure.
High Accuracy:
With SiteMap®, users access GPRS's 99.8% accurate locate data. Once you order a locating service from GPRS, you get free access to a SiteMap® Personal account, which you can upgrade and customize as needed. In this account, you can interact with subsurface data like never before, thanks to GPRS’s use of advanced technologies, providing some of the most accurate data available.
Comprehensive Reporting:
SiteMap® generates detailed, layered visualizations, giving stakeholders actionable insights into underground utility assets. This supports informed decision-making, regulatory compliance, and effective communication. The Digital Plan Room acts as a data control center, a vault containing every file and map from any GPRS locating job.
Share Easily:
The Map Viewer allows you to simplify communications by showing contractors exactly what they need to see, when they need to see it. This single source of truth is accessible to all relevant parties for the life of your project, 24/7, from any computer or mobile device.
Unlocking the Benefits of SiteMap®
SiteMap® represents a necessary shift in underground utility mapping, offering unmatched precision, ease of use, and mobility. By leveraging SiteMap®, organizations can unlock numerous benefits, including cost savings, safety enhancements, and environmental protection. As cities and communities grow and evolve, the importance of accurate underground utility mapping will only increase. Solutions like SiteMap® are indispensable for navigating the subsurface and ensuring the reliability and sustainability of infrastructure networks.
The days of lamplighters may be gone, but the need to monitor natural gas and other utilities remains. SiteMap® simplifies this process, making it easier than ever to monitor utilities and other subsurface assets and features.
GPRS SiteMap® team members are currently scheduling live, personal SiteMap® demonstrations. Click below to schedule and learn how SiteMap® can help you plan, design, manage, dig, and build better today!